Get real-time results of national, state and local elections, from poll close to certification.
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Developer's Guide
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AP Customer Zone
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API Explorer
Interact with the API: submit requests and explore available data (requires API key).
Integrate your election system with AP Elections API. Your election results delivery application (for example, a results loader that powers your election websites) retrieves election race information from AP Elections API.
1. Request election race information, including vote updates and race calls.
During the election, your application polls the API at regular intervals to retrieve election race information and updates in the races of interest; for example, all races in your state or Top-of-the-Ticket races in all states. Election race information includes:
2. Request election reports.
Throughout the election, your application polls the API at regular intervals to retrieve election reports; for example, delegate reports for presidential primaries.
3. Request advance turnout data for presidential and midterm general elections.
Throughout the election, your application polls the API at regular intervals to retrieve state-by-state data on advance voting, including how many absentee ballots have been requested, sent and returned, demographic data, in-person voting data and historical data comparisons.
4. Request delegate allocation data for presidential primaries.
During the presidential primaries, your application polls the API to retrieve the delegate allocation data for Democrats, Republicans or both.
To learn more, refer to the Developer's Guide.
AP Elections API Query Explorer, an interactive tool for creating API requests, helps you get familiar with the API parameters and allows you to view available elections data. Please note that available data may change daily.
An API key is required for making API calls: